Автор Тема: Electronic Officer on Cruise Ship  (Прочитано 1004 раз)

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Electronic Officer on Cruise Ship
« : Сентябрь 03, 2013, 07:44:25 am »
Urgent vacancy for qualified and experienced Electronic Engineer for cruise ship permanently based in French Polynesia.

As part of the onboard engineer team (Chief engineer + 2nd engineer) your resposibilities will include the handling of all electronic systems on board : radio navigation system, lifts, main switchboard, lifts, air conditioning, etc…..

The ship cruises for 14 days and remains in port for 1 week.

This is a permanent position. 1 year renewable contract (3 month trial period)

Salary 3400 Euros NET / month

Accommodation on board during cruise and provided shore side at company expense when vessel in port.

Required languages : English. French appreciated.

Previous ship experience required

Joining ASAP

Further information upon interview

Follow this link to apply for job: http://www.webcrewing.com/jobs/electronic-officer-on-cruise-ship/#ixzz2dnkxzs7O
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