Автор Тема: Экзамен на Капитана в Эстонии  (Прочитано 2242 раз)

Оффлайн AleksBlack

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  • Кто я: Chief Officer
  • Откуда: Estonia
Экзамен на Капитана в Эстонии
« : Ноябрь 02, 2023, 04:13:01 pm »
Подскажите пожалуйста Может кто-нибудь сдавал по новой системе в Transpordiamet экзамен на Капитана. Где можно потренироваться ? Где можно найти вопросы с ответами по всем 1-3 пунктам. Буду рад любой информации.

An assessment is carried out as follows:

1.       the test of the knowledge of maritime legislation is the first part of the assessment and consists of 15 questions, which must be answered in 60 minutes, and the test is considered passed if the share of correct answers is at least 75%.

2.       Professional knowledge will be assessed with computer tests, the results of which will form the basis for the subsequent verbal assessment:

COLREG test – at least 90% of the answers are correct and the time limit for answering 50 questions is 30 minutes.
SEAGULL test – at least 85% of the answers are correct, the time limit for answering the questions is 2 minutes per question and the number of questions is at least 70 (depending on the position and vessel type).

3. The verbal assessment will be based on tickets (10 to 15 questions), which are approved by the Head of the Seafarers Certification Unit The person being assessed selects a ticket from the numbered tickets provided. The time limit for answering the questions is 30 minutes, the share of correct answers must be at least 85%. The Permanent Committee has the right to ask additional questions.
« Последнее редактирование: Ноябрь 02, 2023, 04:14:38 pm от AleksBlack »