Чтобы не соврать, вот выдержка из закона:
III. Issue of a Seaman’s Discharge Book
13. An application form (Annex 2) and a seaman’s registration form (Annex 3) shall be issued to a seaman, who wishes to receive or exchange the seaman’s discharge book, by a merchant, which provides direct or intermediary services for placing seamen on ships (hereinafter – merchant), or by a maritime educational establishment (hereinafter – educational establishment). The merchant or educational establishment shall receive the aforementioned forms from the Registry of Seamen.
[18 August 2009]
14. A seaman shall complete the application form and seaman’s registration form, and they shall be approved by the merchant or educational establishment.
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15. In order to receive or exchange a seaman’s discharge book, a seaman shall present to the Registry of Seamen a Latvian citizen’s or non-citizen’s passport, or a foreigner’s travel document, or a travel document issued by the Republic of Latvia with a permanent residence permit issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (hereinafter – passport) for a person who has been granted refugee or stateless person status, or a person who has been granted alternative status and shall submit the following documents:
15.1. a completed and approved application form and seaman’s registration form;
15.2. a copy of the certificate of competency, presenting the original (if the seaman is submitting this document to the Registry of Seamen for the first time or the authenticity thereof has not been verified);
15.3. copies of documents certifying the completion of marine education and qualification courses, presenting the originals (if the seaman is submitting these documents to the Registry of Seamen for the first time or the authenticity thereof has not been verified);
15.4. students of marine education programmes – a document, which certifies that the person is a student (for example, a copy of a student/trainee certificate, presenting the original, a statement from an educational establishment);
15.5. two photographs made in accordance with Annex 4 of this Regulation; and
15.6. a seaman’s discharge book, which has reached its expiry date or which the seaman wishes to exchange in accordance with Chapter IV of this Regulation (if the seaman has been issued a seaman’s discharge book).
[18 August 2009]
15.1 A person, who is employed to perform a specific task on a ship (for example, an employee of the shipping company, a ship repairman, a member of the service personnel on a passenger ship) shall submit to the Registry of Seamen the documents referred to in Sub-paragraphs 15.1, 15.5 and 15.6 of this Regulation, and a document, which certifies that the person is employed on the ship for performance of the specific task, as well as a copy of a document certifying completion of the qualification course Basic Safety Training, presenting the original (if the seaman is submitting this document to the Registry of Seamen for the first time or the authenticity thereof has not been verified).
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16. After submission of all the necessary documents to the Registry of Seamen, a seaman’s discharge book shall be issued within the following time periods:
16.1. ordinary – within a period of seven working days;
16.2. urgent (at the request of the seaman) – within a period of two working days;
16.3. if the seaman’s discharge book has been lost (in the cases referred to in Paragraph 22 of this Regulation) or the seaman’s discharge book has been cancelled in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Sub-paragraphs 27.5 or 27.6 of this Regulation, - within a period of one month; or
16.4. if an additional examination of the criminal record of the person or of the authenticity of the submitted documents is necessary, - within a period of one month.
[18 August 2009]
17. A seaman’s discharge book shall be issued to a person, who is employed in a foreign shipping company, which does not have a representation in the Republic of Latvia, if the person is registered in the certification database of the Registry of Seamen, based on the request of the foreign shipping company. In such a case the Registry of Seamen shall issue the documents referred to in Paragraph 13 of this Regulation, and the person shall complete and submit them to the Registry of Seamen without the merchant’s approval.
[18 August 2009]
18. The term of validity, when issuing a seaman’s discharge book to Latvian citizens and non-citizens, shall be the following:
18.1. if the person is receiving a seaman’s discharge book for the first time, - five years;
18.2. if the person is receiving the seaman’s discharge book repeatedly, - 10 years;
18.3. if the person’s seaman’s discharge book has been cancelled in accordance with Sub-paragraphs 27.5 or 27.6 of this Regulation, - five years; or
18.4. for the person referred to in Paragraph 15.1 of this Regulation – the time period specified in the employment contract, but not longer than for five years.
[18 August 2009]
19. A seaman’s discharge book shall be issued to students of maritime higher and secondary educational programmes for the period of studies, to students of maritime vocational further education programmes – for one year.
20. A seaman’s discharge book shall be issued to refugees, stateless persons, persons who have been granted an alternative status and foreigners for the validity term of their permanent residence permit, but not longer than for five years.
[18 August 2009]
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