P?had on tulemas ja aasta on l?ppemas kuid hetkel otsime Stewardeid/Stewardesse v?i Messmane Ro-Ro t??pi laevale.
Lepingud on mugavalt l?hikesed: 8 n?dalat peal ja 8 kodus, palk on hea.
T?htsam n?ue, et inimesel peab olema EU pass (hall ja vene pass ei sobi).
Huvi korral v?tke kindlasti ?hendust:
Tschudi Ship Management,
Sadama 4
Good day,
Holidays season is coming, but we are currently looking for Steward/Stewardess and/or Messman for Ro-ro type vessel.
Length on contract is really good: 8 weeks on and 8 weeks off and salary is attractive.
One of main requirements is that person applying must hold EU citizen passport (Alien pass and Russian "red" pass is not accepted)
If you think you are up to it, pls contact us using info below:
Tschudi Ship Management,
Sadama 4
Thank you!