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Ready to work as Ref.Engineer/A/C.Engineer !
« : Февраль 02, 2025, 09:07:40 am »
I am looking for a job in the rank of A/C. Engineer and Refrigerator Engineer(in charge of dept) of the 1st level without restrictions for job - Air-Conditioning Еngineer/Watch.Third ENGINEER.--- on Reefer Cargo and Container Ship, Passenger Ship (Cruise Liner) and Fishing Trawler vessels Experience on Refrigerator Trawler vessels from 1998 year and Reefer Cargo and Container Ship from 2006 year. Experience with carried bananas, citrus, fruits, USDA cargoes, frozen goods tuna and fish, meat. Experience with direct evaporate freon, ammonia systems and brine systems,Refrig Plant Sabroe,Mycom,Grasso,Mitsub, Bitzer- screw and piston compressors.I am highly interested in this job. I know about refrigerators and its problems. I will fix them.Maintenance of refrigerator plant and cooling system equipment from negative temperature minus -25*C and positive temperature 15*C.SPECIALIST COMBINED WITH  EL.ENG. POSITION. TECHNICAL MAITENANCE OF REFRIGERANT CONTAINERS:-THERMOKING, CARRIER,STAR COOL,DAIKIN,MICROLINK-2.No bad habits
Satisfactory English.
Looking for position as  REFRiGERATOR ENGINEER --and -WATCH.Third ENGINEER. on  Refrigerated Cargo and Container Ship and Air-Conditioning engineer assistant and Watch.Third Engineer.  Passenger Ship (Cruise Liner)
I am ready to work on any type of vessel`s from 22.03.2025year. I need any work!

Very adaptable for new position/project READINESS 100%   All sertificates are valid-03.2028y..

I can be available to join the vesselat any time.

Hope to hear from you soon. --OPEN POSITIONS   

mob.+380934436722, +380995239137-Viber, telegramm, WhatsApp, +380996866937-Viber,telegramm.                                        E-mail: spartanez223220@gmail.com
Thank you for your cooperation. B.R.G.D.S..

best regards---VALENTYN.