Автор Тема: Chief Engineer is wanted to join a General Cargo. 8000 EUR NET  (Прочитано 268 раз)

Оффлайн OJ Crew

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  • Откуда: Klaipeda, Lithuania
Chief Engineer is wanted to join a General Cargo. 8000 EUR NET
« : Ноябрь 25, 2022, 10:34:10 am »
A Chief Engineer is wanted to join a General Cargo. Engine room includes Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer, ETO, and 3 Motormen.

Vessel info:
GT: 14912 DWT: 23127
Flag: Barbados
ME: MAN B&W 4442 kW

Salary: 8000 EUR NET depending on experience
Contract duration: 4 months
Joining: mid-December

Experience to work with BWMS
Valid STCW documentation
Medical certificate
Good command of working English
COVID – fully vaccinated

Please apply by sending cv to cv@ojcrew.com or alternatively apply directly to the vacancy here: https://ojcrew.crewinspector.com/public/vacancy
Mob.:+370 46 494 544
E: cv@ojcrew.com
A: S. Neries g. 8-21, Klaipeda