Автор Тема: Motorman (with AB III/5 cert) is wanted to join our Client’s Tug. 2500 USD NET  (Прочитано 208 раз)

Оффлайн OJ Crew

  • Sr. Hero Member
  • ******
  • Сообщений: 4442
  • www.ojcrew.com
    • Просмотр профиля
  • Кто я: Crew Manager
  • Откуда: Klaipeda, Lithuania
Motorman (with AB III/5 cert) is wanted to join our Client’s Tug for a 3 months contract starting ASAP. Good conditions and permanent contract if good performance is shown.

Valid STCW documents, Medical certificate
COVID-19 – fully vaccinated
Previous experience
Very good command of working English

Salary: 2500 USD NET
Contract duration 3 months
Joining: ASAP

Vessel info:
Type: Tug
Flag: Liberia
GT: 1374 DWT: 1000
ME: MAN 6L32/40 3000 kW
Year built: 2011

Please apply online to https://ojcrew.crewinspector.com/public/vacancy or send your CV to: oil@ojcrew.com
Mob.:+370 46 494 544
E: cv@ojcrew.com
A: S. Neries g. 8-21, Klaipeda