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International Shipping FederationУ них там есть раздел -
Careers in International Shipping и там перечислены причины по которым стоит связать свою жизнь с морем:
Good WagesWages earned by seafarers are normally very generous compared to similar professions ashore. Seagoing officers are assured a very comfortable standard of living, and are usually within the upper income bracket of their national populations.
Early ResponsibilityShips' officers enjoy considerable responsibility right from the start of their careers. They ensure the safety of their ships and their cargoes, the lives of their shipmates and the protection of the marine environment.
Opportunities to TravelAlthough modern ships spend less time in port than 25 years ago, a career in shipping still means that you can literally travel to almost anywhere in the world. This gives seafarers the chance to experience interesting and unusual places, rather than just the typical business or holiday destinations visited by many people.
Good Long Term ProspectsThere is a great need for more qualified ships' officers to meet the skills required by international shipping companies.
Doing Something UsefulToday’s competitive world sometimes makes it difficult to fully understand the purpose and value of many jobs.
Shipping, however, is key to the global economy, responsible for carrying over 90% of the world’s trade. Without shipping the world economy would collapse. It would be impossible to transport the vast quantities of food, raw materials and manufactured products the world currently takes for granted.
Career Flexibility and Job SecurityShipping is an ideal occupation for young people seeking something exciting and different to just working in an office, which in the long run will also lead to an enjoyable and well paid executive career in a major international industry.
Long HolidaysIn most jobs, it is often only possible to take a maximum of two or three weeks holiday at one time, and total annual holidays are of course far less than you might be used to at college or school.
In shipping, however, seafarers commonly enjoy generous leave or holiday periods. Exact terms will vary, but on "short sea" trades a system of one month working followed by one month paid holiday is often applied. On intercontinental or "deep sea" trades, leave periods of several months' duration are not uncommon.
A Career that is DifferentA ship is a unique working environment because it is also home to those working on board. Those working on board ship often develop lasting friendships with their colleagues and have a stimulating life which is different to the experience of many people working ashore.
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ISF Careers in International ShippingISF Careers in International ShippingInternational Shipping Lifeblood of World TradeInternational Shipping Lifeblood of World Trade