All details and apply :
www.7oceans.pl2017-06-21 3rd Officer
2017-06-21 ETO at AHT non DP
2017-06-21 C/O for AHTS
2017-06-21 Junior ETO
2017-06-21 PSV SDPO Master
2017-06-21 OS for Bulker
2017-06-20 Motorman for Drill vessel
2017-06-20 Deck Cadet for Container
2017-06-20 2nd Off for Bulk Carrier
2017-06-20 3/O for Bunker Tanker
2017-06-20 3/O for Bunker Tanker
2017-06-20 Able Seaman
2017-06-20 Chief officer for PSV (Non DP)
2017-06-19 2nd Officer at AHT non DP
2017-06-19 2/O JDPO
2017-06-19 2/O JDPO
2017-06-19 2/E, 2/O and C/O DPO for AHTS DP2
2017-06-19 AB, Master, C/O, C/E for Jack up
2017-06-19 3-rd Officer for Container - 3200 USD / Month
2017-06-19 Motorman
2017-06-16 2O/DPO to join PSV DP2 / ARAMCO
2017-06-16 AB for Tug
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