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Сообщения - MBS Fleetprocess

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Good day,

FleetProcess Planned Maintenance System contains the basic features: maintenance,
budget, stock, spare parts, defect reports and landing control.
The system has a user friendly interface that allows ship and office staff to work effectively
without requiring them to attend a special training course,
and it does not require special skills for installation in the office and on board.
A detailed manual will help you to avoid difficulties.

Nevertheless, this is a very powerful application which will allow you to solve the issues
 that were previously unthinkable.
Get registered on http://www.fleetprocess.net/en/ship-managers and download fully
functional system for evaluation over 30 days period.


Maritime Business Systems
13 John Prince’s Street
4th Floor
London, W1G 0JR
United Kingdom
E-mail: support@fleetprocess.net
Internet: www.fleetprocces.net

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