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Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Июль 11, 2013, 12:16:14 am »
Алло, серьезно ищет работу в море, кто поможет найти работу в море, любой контракт, торговые суда, рыбалка trowlers, все документы, еще хорошо, ожидаем медицинское обследование (. Exp.like моторист масленка 2-4 Строк двигатель, B & W- MAN, MAK, Yanmar, Wartsila, Pilstic), тел 37253431085,    xxx.london @ mail.ru , телефон interview.Personal Suvival techniquesA-VI/1-1, профилактики и пожаротушения A-VI/1-2, Элементарные первой помощь  A-VI/1-3, личной безопасности и социальной Responsisbilities A-VI/1-4, моторист / слесарь / сварщик, входящих в состав навигационной вахты, знание спасательные шлюпки и плоты, спасательные лодки, выданные в соответствии с положениями правила II / 4 и VI / 2 Параграф I Международной конвенции о стандартах training.Dutch Seamens книги, голландские моряки AB certificate.5 лет рыбацкие лодки, 10 торговых судов Exp.

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Июль 08, 2013, 12:35:35 am »
Алло, серьезно ищет работу в море, кто поможет найти работу в море, любой контракт, торговые суда, рыбалка trowlers, все документы, еще хорошо, ожидаем медицинское обследование (. Exp.like моторист масленка 2-4 Строк двигатель, B & W- MAN, MAK, Yanmar, Wartsila, Pilstic), тел 37253431085,    xxx.london @ mail.ru , телефон interview.Personal Suvival techniquesA-VI/1-1, профилактики и пожаротушения A-VI/1-2, Элементарные первой помощь  A-VI/1-3, личной безопасности и социальной Responsisbilities A-VI/1-4, моторист / слесарь / сварщик, входящих в состав навигационной вахты, знание спасательные шлюпки и плоты, спасательные лодки, выданные в соответствии с положениями правила II / 4 и VI / 2 Параграф I Международной конвенции о стандартах training.Dutch Seamens книги, голландские моряки AB certificate.5 лет рыбацкие лодки, 10 торговых судов Exp.

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Июнь 22, 2013, 12:33:55 pm »
Hallo,seriously looking for a job at sea,anybody help to find job at sea,any contract,trade ships,fishing trowlers,all documents still good,expect medical exam(.exp.like motorman oiler 2-4 strok engine, B&W-MAN,MAK,Yanmar,Wartsila,Pilstic),tel 37253431085,   
xxx.london@mail.ru,phone interview.Personal suvival techniquesA-VI/1-1, fire prevention and fire fighting A-VI/1-2 ,Elementary first aid
 A-VI/1-3 ,Personal Safety and Social Responsisbilities A-VI/1-4,,motorman/fitter/welder,forming part of navigation watch,proficiency
survival craft,rescue boats,issued under the provisions  of regulations II/4 and VI/2 paragraf I of the international convention  on standards of training.Dutch seamens book,dutch ab seamen certificate.5 years fishing boats,10 trade ships exp.

Ищу работу / ab seamen wiper,oiler,welder mig arc
« : Июнь 17, 2013, 09:42:28 am »
кто-нибудь поможет уйти в рейс,есть опыт,возможно оплата  за устройство на судно,,,виктор

Ищу работу / ab seamen wiper,oiler,welder mig arc
« : Июнь 05, 2013, 01:01:16 am »
кто-нибудь поможет уйти в рейс,есть опыт,возможно оплата  за устройство на судно,,,виктор

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Май 29, 2013, 01:07:04 am »
кто-нибудь поможет уйти в рейс,есть опыт,возможно оплата  за устройство на судно,,,виктор

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Май 27, 2013, 02:17:40 pm »
Hallo,seriously looking for a job at sea,anybody help to find job at sea,any contract,trade ships,fishing trowlers,all documents still good,expect medical exam(.exp.like motorman oiler 2-4 strok engine, B&W-MAN,MAK,Yanmar,Wartsila,Pilstic),tel 37253431085,   
xxx.london@mail.ru,phone interview.Personal suvival techniquesA-VI/1-1, fire prevention and fire fighting A-VI/1-2 ,Elementary first aid
 A-VI/1-3 ,Personal Safety and Social Responsisbilities A-VI/1-4,,motorman/fitter/welder,forming part of navigation watch,proficiency
survival craft,rescue boats,issued under the provisions  of regulations II/4 and VI/2 paragraf I of the international convention  on standards of training.Dutch seamens book,dutch ab seamen certificate.5 years fishing boats,10 trade ships exp.

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Май 21, 2013, 01:48:35 am »
Hallo,seriously looking for a job at sea,anybody help to find job at sea,any contract,trade ships,fishing trowlers,all documents still good,expect medical exam(.exp.like motorman oiler 2-4 strok engine, B&W-MAN,MAK,Yanmar,Wartsila,Pilstic),tel 37253431085,   
xxx.london@mail.ru,phone interview.Personal suvival techniquesA-VI/1-1, fire prevention and fire fighting A-VI/1-2 ,Elementary first aid
 A-VI/1-3 ,Personal Safety and Social Responsisbilities A-VI/1-4,,motorman/fitter/welder,forming part of navigation watch,proficiency
survival craft,rescue boats,issued under the provisions  of regulations II/4 and VI/2 paragraf I of the international convention  on standards of training.Dutch seamens book,dutch ab seamen certificate.5 years fishing boats,10 trade ships exp.

Ищу работу / ab seamen wiper,oiler,welder mig arc
« : Май 17, 2013, 12:53:37 am »
Hallo,seriously looking for a job at sea,anybody help to find job at sea,any contract,trade ships,fishing trowlers,all documents still good,expect medical exam(.exp.like motorman oiler 2-4 strok engine, B&W-MAN,MAK,Yanmar,Wartsila,Pilstic),tel 37253431085,   
xxx.london@mail.ru,phone interview.Personal suvival techniquesA-VI/1-1, fire prevention and fire fighting A-VI/1-2 ,Elementary first aid
 A-VI/1-3 ,Personal Safety and Social Responsisbilities A-VI/1-4,,motorman/fitter/welder,forming part of navigation watch,proficiency
survival craft,rescue boats,issued under the provisions  of regulations II/4 and VI/2 paragraf I of the international convention  on standards of training.Dutch seamens book,dutch ab seamen certificate.5 years fishing boats,10 trade ships exp.

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Апрель 15, 2013, 01:02:52 am »
Hallo,seriously looking for a job at sea,anybody help to find job at sea,any contract,trade ships,fishing trowlers,all documents still good,expect medical exam(.exp.like motorman oiler 2-4 strok engine, B&W-MAN,MAK,Yanmar,Wartsila,Pilstic),tel 37253431085,   
xxx.london@mail.ru,phone interview.thanks a lot

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Апрель 07, 2013, 10:31:11 pm »
Hallo,seriously looking for a job at sea,anybody help to find job at sea,any contract,trade ships,fishing trowlers,all documents still good,expect medical exam,thanks a lot.  37253431085,+447778706829,xxx.london@mail.ru

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Апрель 04, 2013, 10:40:38 pm »
Hallo,urgently looking for a job at sea,drydock for repair,fishing boats,conteiner vessels,experience at sea 15 years,fishing trowlers,gen.cargo vessels,conteiner vessels,have documents ab seamen,motorman,welding certificate mig arc,gas used,exp on shipyard
ship fitter,heavy duty engine repair-Mak 6M601C,Yanmar aux engine-fuell pumps,filters,Man B&W 8L48/60B,Yanmar 6NL21L-EV,Wartsila,full engine cleaning,repair,testing,solas,free fall boats,forming part of navigation watch,survival craft,rescue boats,working with mixed crew,have dutch certificate,norwegian,germany seamens book,speak english,English coursed -estonian shiping management,worked in engine room,on deck,used crane ,forklifts,secured cargo,safety,dismantling assembling engine ,change parts,details,repair main heads,honing,change valves,testing fuell injectors, other.tank sanding,prepare engine for start,stop,stop,assist of engineers,studied in kaliningrad maritime college,welding on board ,ready for any contract,xxx.london@mail.ru   37253431085,447778706829.SERIOUSLY LOOKING FOR A JOB,ANYBODY HELP TO FIND JOB FOR REWARDS,.Possible on fishing boats,experience Atlantica,Canadian,Far East,Africa,South Africa,Island,worked on deck ,in fishig factory,shrimp-trowler, Canada,Newfoundland 12 month,In freezing holds,used crane,,mixed crew..english,a little germany.All experience on ships-that mean:job on deck,engine room,as I studied in kaliningrad college branch in tallinn,have some task ,when was on ships.Baltic shipyard-engine repair service group Wartsila 3 month,there are type of engine in letter.conteiner vessels prepare engine for start and after stop,have pictures,if any questions just call for interview,or more explanations,thanks a lot

  Shall keep the navigational watch and in port watch
During navigation, is under the command of the Master or the Officer of the watch and when in port shall assist the Bosun and carry out deck work
Must carry out the following work under the direction and supervision of the Chief Officer, Duty Officer or the Bosun:
Keep watch at sea, steer, and look out.
Raise and lower flags and signals.
Turn on and off the deck illumination lights.
Keep in-port watch, gangway watch and cargo watch.
Clean the bridge, chart room, compass room, and other places.
Other work as instructed by superiors.
Take the soundings of the tanks and the bliges in the holds and enter them on a board and in a notebook.
Carry out the work of taking on, transferring and discharging drinking water and ballast.
Cargo watch and navigational watch.
Work at stern when entering and leaving harbor.
Sound tanks and bilges mail   44 years old,EU citizen,able to send evaluation form from ships
if require,thanks a lot,able for long contract

Ищу работу / ab seamen
« : Март 26, 2013, 11:00:16 pm »
Hallo,urgently looking for a job at sea,drydock for repair,fishing boats,conteiner vessels,experience at sea 15 years,fishing trowlers,gen.cargo vessels,conteiner vessels,have documents ab seamen,motorman,welding certificate mig arc,gas used,exp on shipyard
ship fitter,heavy duty engine repair-Mak 6M601C,Yanmar aux engine-fuell pumps,filters,Man B&W 8L48/60B,Yanmar 6NL21L-EV,Wartsila,full engine cleaning,repair,testing,solas,free fall boats,forming part of navigation watch,survival craft,rescue boats,working with mixed crew,have dutch certificate,norwegian,germany seamens book,speak english,English coursed -estonian shiping management,worked in engine room,on deck,used crane ,forklifts,secured cargo,safety,dismantling assembling engine ,change parts,details,repair main heads,honing,change valves,testing fuell injectors, other.tank sanding,prepare engine for start,stop,stop,assist of engineers,studied in kaliningrad maritime college,welding on board ,ready for any contract,xxx.london@mail.ru   37253431085,447778706829.SERIOUSLY LOOKING FOR A JOB,ANYBODY HELP TO FIND JOB FOR REWARDS,.Possible on fishing boats,experience Atlantica,Canadian,Far East,Africa,South Africa,Island,worked on deck ,in fishig factory,shrimp-trowler, Canada,Newfoundland 12 month,In freezing holds,used crane,,mixed crew..english,a little germany.All experience on ships-that mean:job on deck,engine room,as I studied in kaliningrad college branch in tallinn,have some task ,when was on ships.Baltic shipyard-engine repair service group Wartsila 3 month,there are type of engine in letter.conteiner vessels prepare engine for start and after stop,have pictures,if any questions just call for interview,or more explanations,thanks a lot

Ищу работу / Re: ab seamen
« : Март 20, 2013, 11:11:27 pm »
net ,ne specialist,nehvataet dokumentov,matros,no vse taki koe sto v diseljah znaju,kak pomenjat sedla klapanov  na golovke,promit turbinu,obsluzivanie plastinchatih holodilnikov,chistka separatarov,testirovanie ,opresovivanie forsunok,pritirka klapanov,mnogoe  ese,a vsego lis matros,obichnaja rabota na sudne krani ,mehanizmi..i t dalee

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