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Сообщения - shipmateoffice

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Полезная информация / Maritime Crewing Software
« : Март 21, 2015, 10:42:29 am »
Vessel and Crew Documentation Management Software for vessels and crew. More information at www.shipmateoffice.com

Полезная информация / Vessel Documentation Software
« : Март 09, 2015, 10:06:45 pm »
The Shipmate Office System - documents on arrival/departure. Now It has a United States Coast Guard National Vessel Movement Center Notice of Arrival/Departure module. More info at www.shipmateoffice.com

Полезная информация / Re: Shipmate Office System
« : Июнь 14, 2012, 11:35:25 am »
isprav' na sajte: ship's budget, not ship's budjet

Thanks for your remark!

Полезная информация / Shipmate Office System
« : Июнь 14, 2012, 08:47:16 am »
Shipmate Office is a complex designed to facilitate work of ship 's officers with ship 's papers. Our goal is to create an application which maintains database of hole ship 's stores so as to ease work with different kinds of ship 's papers for any crew member who deals with some ship 's documents or data, from a master of a vessel to a ship 's steward. More info at http://www.shipmateoffice.com

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