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Сообщения - collega

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Вакансии / 3/ENG for a BULKER vessel
« : Январь 12, 2015, 04:52:19 pm »
We need a 3/ENG for a BULKER vessel. 40160 GRT. 2003 y. o. b. LBR flag. Spanish owner. Main Engine - MAN B&W, 9600 kW.

Contract: 6+/-1 months
Salary: 3710 USD


Вакансии / 3 Engineer on DP2 PSV
« : Январь 09, 2015, 04:08:21 pm »
We are looking for 3 Engineer on DP2 PSV: - joining date: 21.01.2015; - salary: 5000 USD per month on board/1750 USD per month on leave; - rotation: 5 weeks on/off; - trading area: North Sea; - crew: mixed - ME: Wartsila diesel-electric. Requirements: - PSV experience; - good English; - preferably Baltic Nationality.

- See more at: http://jobatsea.org/job/117536/3-engineer-on-dp2-psv-at-sailinga/

Вакансии / 3E with min 6 months of DSV/MPSV/constr experience
« : Январь 05, 2015, 10:03:12 pm »
Looking for 3E with min 6 months of DSV/MPSV/constr experience, diesel electric exp, BOSIET&HUET, Engine Resource Management course to join modern OSCV/DP2 in USA on 4th of Feb, 12 weeks on/off.
- See more at: http://jobatsea.org/job/117095/3e-with-dsvmpsvconstr-exp-at-seven-seas-maritime-services/

Вакансии / DPO/3rd mate with FULL DP
« : Декабрь 17, 2014, 01:09:50 pm »
Looking for DPO/3rd mate with FULL DP (a must!), MPSV/DSV/ROV/construction experience, BOSIET/HUET and min 12 months of exp as DPO. Norwegian endorsement&health cert is an advantage.Vessel - MRSV/DP2, joining ASAP,Nigeria, 3-4 weeks contract,salary-negotiable.

- See more at: http://jobatsea.org/job/115538/dpo3mate-with-full-dp-at-seven-seas-maritime-services/

Вакансии / Crew for PSV Dp2
« : Декабрь 15, 2014, 12:32:13 pm »
Crew for PSV Dp2

Need crews for PSV DP2 - 3605 GT

Contract: 1 month +/- 2 weeks
Location: Singapore
Operation - Doing repair and maintenance work

Chief Officer x 1 - DP advance minimum
2nd Officer x 1 - DP advance minimum

Bosun x 1
Oiler x 2
AB x 2
Cook x 1
Stewart x 1

- See more at: http://jobatsea.org/job/115247/ab-bosun-oiler-cook-stewart-for-psv-dp2-at-lighthaus/

Вакансии / Oiler for Dredger, 103 Euro, 4-6 weeks
« : Декабрь 02, 2014, 06:22:14 pm »
We are looking for

Oiler for Dredger,
Duration - 4-6 weeks
Wages - 103 Euro
Joining by 06.01.2015
Only EU nationality or Baltic.

- See more at: http://jobatsea.org/job/113801/oiler-for-dredger-103-euro-4-6-weeks-at-lerus-ltd/

Вакансии / AB for Dredger, 4-6 weeks, 92 Euro
« : Декабрь 02, 2014, 06:21:18 pm »
We are looking for

AB for Dredger,
Duration - 4-6 weeks
Wages - 92 Euro
Joining by 06.01.2015
Only EU nationality or Baltic.

- See more at: http://jobatsea.org/job/113800/ab-for-dredger-4-6-weeks-92-euro-at-lerus-ltd/

СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Февраль 15, 2012, 01:03:54 pm »
AB for Shell Suction Dredger (No offshore exp.) at ORCA MS Group in Only Baltic

Our Clients looking for AB
Baltic citizen only! not Ukrainian and not Russian
No offshore experience, but must be hardworking!
For Shell Suction Dredger
Starting- ASAP
Area- Dutch North Sea
Salary- 70 Euro per day
Contract duration- 12 weeks


СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Октябрь 13, 2011, 03:52:59 pm »
Only EU citizens

требуется 2 помощник с полной ДП лицензией - 2 человека
суда ДП2 - многоцелевые сапплаера
р-он работы - Мексика и UK
з/п - 450 долларов в сутки
контракт - 2 / 2 месяца

требования: опыт работы на DSV опыт работы с полной лицензией не менее 1года


СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Октябрь 13, 2011, 03:00:16 pm »
4th Engineer Cable Vessel 185 GBP
at PRO Recruting / Subserv Pro (Anywhere)

We are looking for a 4th Engineer :

Location: Belgium
Vessel Based: Cable Vessel
Trip Length: 6 weeks
Start Date: ASAP
Salary: Ј185 per day

Minimum requirements:
UK Certificate of Competence
ENG1 medical


СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Июнь 30, 2011, 09:13:25 am »
Да своим тупым сайтом,не зъим дак надкусаю,звиняйте по вашему не гутарю  :victory:

уж извольте "развернуть"  Ваши умозаключения ....

СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Июнь 29, 2011, 07:18:20 pm »
читал, наслаждался, но тут Collega всё испортил :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop:
и что я Вам испортил? :pardon:

СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Июнь 29, 2011, 06:55:19 pm »
ETO for heavy lift semi sub DP2 US$ 500 per day
Second Engineer heavy lift semi sub DP2 US$ 400 per day
Chief Engineer heavy lift semi sub DP2 US$ 550 per day
2 Officer Junior DPO heavy lift semi sub DP2 250 USD (DP Advanced Course)
Chief Officer SDPO heavy lift semi sub DP2 US$ 600 per day
Master SDPO heavy lift semi sub DP2 US$ 750 per day
2 Officer Junior DPO – 150 USD (with Induction Course but previous firm experience in offshore


СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Май 31, 2011, 03:02:06 pm »
Master with VLCC experience 13500$ at CP Marine UK Ltd

Please be advised CP Marine UK Ltd is looking for a Master with previous VLCC experience. Salary USD 13.500.00 / consolidated with 12-14 weeks +/-


ETO with VLCC experience 6600$ at CP Marine UK Ltd

Please be advised CP Marine UK Ltd is looking for an ETO with previous VLCC experience. Salary USD 6.600 / consolidated with 4 months +/-


Chief Mate with VLCC experience 11 125$ at CP Marine UK Ltd

Please be advised CP Marine UK Ltd is looking for a Chief Mate with previous VLCC experience. Salary USD 11.125.00 / consolidated with 12-14 weeks +/-


СНГ / Re: Jobatsea.org
« : Май 26, 2011, 11:19:53 am »
Master & Chief mate new Dutch chemical tanker at Northseatankers

North Sea Tanker Management (NSTM) offers full Technical, Safety and Crewing Management services for NST’s partner fleets or individual vessels connected with North Sea Tankers. The fleet of NSTM is growing rapidly! In the near future 12 new build vessels has to be manned with highly qualified officers. If you are interested in a new challenge please apply to: applications@northseatankers.com If you want more information about the NSTM fleet please visit www.northseatankers.com. At this moment NSTM is looking for Latvian and Russian officers for Dutch flagged vessels. The contract duration will 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off.


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